Halibut Skewers

prepared and plated halibut skewers
Servings: 1


Halibut cubed in 1″ chunks
100g or more
Wooden skewer sticks
Fresh lemon
Salad greens of your choice
Slices of cucumber
Small red onion sliced thinly
Olive oil
Herb mix: 
Fresh basil
1 tsp
Fresh mint
1 tsp
Fresh parsley
1 tsp


  • Chop up your herb mix and lay on a plate or sheet of Parchment paper, lay aside
  • Have your pan heated to a medium heat and preferably a non-stick pan.
  • Skewer your fish on your sticks, drizzle with 2 Tbsps of olive oil, roll your skewers back and forth in your fresh herbs.
  • Finish with a good sprinkle of salt and pepper.
  • Drizzle your pan with 2 Tbsp of olive oil. Lay your skewer in your frying pan and do not move them for 2 minutes, then flip sides and do another 2 min. 
  • Assemble your greens, cucumber and red onion. Remove you fish and lay atop your salad. Another drizzle of oil and good squeeze of lemon all over your salad and fish. Tent your fish with parchment for 2 min before you serve and a little fresh cracked pepper if you like.
  • If you are doing these on the BBQ you will want to soak your wooden sticks for 10 min in water before you skewer them with your fish. 

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